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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Skiddo's Admin Application

    1. Game: Team Fortress 2 2. Steam name + Steam URL: ║Nuß║Skiddo.dB http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061879362/ 3. Your age? : 16 4. Why should you be admin? : I think i should become admin because the Phantom community needs to have a fun and also needs an admin that will stop anyone from not obeying the rules. I am a funny, and sensible player of the community and would like to hold something fun for the community it once and a while. 5. Define becoming an admin : Becoming an admin is a job that requires patients and obediance. The admins job is to stop anyone that isn't obeying the rules and should be on the server everyday to look after the community. 6. Do you have a mic if so do you use it a lot? : Yes, I use it to have some fun on the server and to try to stop players from not obeying the rules. 7. Do you know the commands of admin (e.g sm_kick)? I know a couple of commands but i hope someone is willing to teach me most of them. 8. What is your policy with scammers? : I recently got scammed, my policy is that they should return the item/s and if they dont i would kick them, possibly ban and report them to valve. 9. Additional info: If i do get admin, i could hold some events and so everyone has fun and also to make the server a lot more popular. Edit: I always play on the Dodgeball Server
  2. -1 points

    Skiddo's Admin Application

    Good Stuff But I'm Pretty Sure It Is Too Small For Acceptance And Also A Profile Picture Would Be Good!