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monster_crusher last won the day on March 17 2013

monster_crusher had the most liked content!

About monster_crusher

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  • Birthday 11/27/1998

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    Australia, Western Australia
  1. monster_crusher

    Admin Applications. OLD

    1.Job:Admin 2.Age:14 3. Maturity 1-10 - I think in my personally opinion, my maturity can change depending on whether something is really fun and I am with friends, or when something is really serious going on, but in general I would give myself an 8-9 4.Something about you: I am a really "hardcore" gamer, who likes to have fun, and socialize with other people, and likes to make new friends, and meet new great people. I love Saxton Hale and especially Phantom since it is the only good VSH out there, and almost go on Tf2, as much as possible to have fun, and talk to friends, I also love to play different varieties of games that are available on Steam, and to mainly have fun. 5. If I do become admin, it would be first for me, and I would hope to learn and help out with Phantom in as many ways as I possibly can, and to mostly, always be there to help out the community in whatever way I can, I have not had previous experiences as an admin, I know a few diffrent commands but hope to learn new and different commands and tactics to help make Phantom Gamers a Safe, Fair and Fun Server. 6. (optional) Additional info (IE: examples of you work.) : I don't think I have had any previous fights, or arguments with admins on the server, and have not been annoying enough to make the Phantom Community angry towards me, and hopefully can deserve this role to help and make the Phantom Community to it's fullest potential. Thank you for your consideation and time, kind regards ~ monster_crusher