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°。•○str8 up○•。°

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Posts posted by °。•○str8 up○•。°

  1. 1.Game/Job


    Either server. Either Admin or Mod



    2.Your Age?


    - I am 16 years old, 17 in November.



    3.Ingame name and steam ID

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/areallylubedupsock/     I go between different versions of the name "Str8 Up"



    4.What time do you normally play?


    - I'm usually on anywhere between 7-11 am (on week ends) and 5-6 pm to 7-11 pm (Most days)



    5.Why should you be an Admin?


    - I think I should be an Admin because I have been in the community for over a year now and have grown very fond of our little phantom community. I am a very well known and respected member of the community, and I know the difference between right and wrong. The reason I decided to apply was because one of my friends (Spud4brains<3) told me It was a good idea. He thought I would be a great admin/mod, because I am a trustworthy person, and a nice person. I don't like hurting others feelings and I always try to make it better for others, because I know how it feels and I hate when others feel that way. I also see to many times when I'm on people upsetting other players with no one there to stop them. this is why I think I should be Admin/Mod.



    6.Do you have a mic? if so how often do you use it:


    - Yes I do indeed have a mic. I use it when I'm either trying to explain something to someone or trying to get my point across where typing would otherwise fail. I am also quite fast at typing, and can get my point across very fast without the use of a mic.



    7.Do you know the commands for admin?


    - I know all the ones I need to know in order to enforce the rules (I can pick the other ones up pretty quickly, I am quite familiar with most sm_ commands.



    8.Have you been Admin on another server before?


    - No, this is my first time applying, other than staff on NtotB's jump server. But hey there's a first time for everything.



    9.Have you read, and fully understand the Admin rules?


    - Yes I have read them full through and will keep myself up to date with the rules as long as I am am Admin/Mod.



    10.If you stop playing on Phantom-Gamers, will you inform us so we can remove your rank for some else to take the position?


    - Yes, I'm not selfish. Even in my absence I wouldn't want the community to have no enforcers.



    11.Additional info:


    -I haven't had 5 posts on these forums, but I'm sure that won't take long to change if I'm devoting part of my time into protecting and bettering the community. If I don't get the position I understand, I'm not close minded and am fully aware that lots of people are trying to get this position.
