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Mr Potato

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Mr Potato last won the day on July 26 2015

Mr Potato had the most liked content!


About Mr Potato

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  • Birthday July 22

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  1. Hi Jony, Unfortunately, there are no admin positions available on the dodgeball server.
  2. Have not fulfilled the requirement. You only have total of two post. -1 from me
  3. Mr Potato

    Player Rules and Guidelines

    What are the rules/ conditions on sprays?
  4. The players on the saxton hale server are requesting the server to enable halloween costume to be enable
  5. Mr Potato

    Glaze or something

    Gday Glaze and welcome to the forum.
  6. Today at 1.30PM 10/Jul/2015, I and zombi (fellow player on the VSH Hale Server) found that this player called "Katy Perry" maybe using aimbot in the server. Evidence: Note that his screen is shacking when ever he spins up his minigun and never mis aim on the hale when he jumps up in the video. Witness: zombi Update: He is on perma ban now for aimbot hacking
  7. Mr Potato

    What song would you like added to juke box

    Bring back the 80's Song name: Safety Dance Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs
  8. Before Hade becomes Head Admin, Tony Abbott must stop wearing tight budgie smugglers.
  9. Mr Potato

    I wont be on for 3 weeks EXAM!

    Good Luck with your studies and your exams BlackSnow*
  10. Hi CaptainFudgeKnukle, It's more of a no than a yes from me. Reason is that you just recently join this forum. However, your admin application is great and looks neat [you forgot to put in your steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65613801]. I would say just continue playing on the server that you have and be active on the forum. In which you will have a better chance in approving your admin application. - Mr Potato
  11. It's a -1 from me SS Eric. Reason why is because you did not use the correct Admin Application Template provided to you and that you have not meet the requirements. Plus, you have posted on the wrong thread section, should in 'Jobs And Admin Application', not 'Archieved Accepted Jobs And Admin Applications'
  12. Hi pow pow, It's a no from me. -1 The reason is that this application that you have posted is too basic, meaning you need more information in the questions and your under age (Need to be 15 yrs old).
  13. -1 from me. Reason is stated by tyresse
  14. Mr Potato

    Declined Admin application

    -1 from me because you have not answered the application questions correctly.
  15. Mr Potato

    Private Infinity 1.3.1 Server Hosted In Australian 24/7

    IGN Name: Mr_Potato__ Age: 19 Why would you like to join the server: I would like to join the server because I want to experiment with the mod itself with people online on the server and have fun with friends too. (Optional) Can you pitch in for server costs?: If I enjoy it, yes.