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Posts posted by Laddi

  1. It isnt that you aren't doing anything wrong and we aren't neglecting you, throwing a tantrum because I brought up and analysed a perfectly valid fact that other people have also noticed probably wont help your choices either. Arguing with others isn't a good idea either. This is the last comment I am leaving on this topic. 

    Perhaps you should really read and consider what I said and try to make an effort in fixing it by applying yourself more to the position you want to fulfil. 

    Have a good day

  2. Goosie would make a fine moderator, he is always on the server and follows the rules and guidelines of the server. The only time he has broken the rules was on minegay and he was camping as demoman, however he did not know at the time and after I explained to him that only engineers and snipers could excessively camp he has refrained from camping as any other class.

    He actively seeks to learn more about what is and isn't acceptable.

    So when you're 15 hopefully you get it because it's a +1 from me.

  3. Mot and I have had a few several disputes while he decided it was funny to troll and mock me on hale, we don't always get along 100% of the time however I don't see any real problems with him. We can get a bit of banter going from time to time but when we aren't arguing he seems to be a pretty straight up guy and I think he would do a good job.

    So it's a +1 from me

    (But don't piss me off in the future pls ;) )


  4. I myself do not play on the db servers as much as I facilitate most of my attention to VSH. However in the time I do go on db I haven't seen you on and when I have it has only been very briefly. As Matty said Uncharted seems to be doing a great job and at the moment it appears from many peoples perspective that you are not on the server frequently. Although like you said total playtime is important. What's more important is how frequently you go on the server now.

    Not in the past but the present.

    Because of the lack of time you spend on the server which in turn affects the very position you are applying for, I unfortunately have to not recommend nightmare for admin.

    However it is not my decision, either way the best of luck to you!

  5. Alright, I know ive made an application before, however with killers statement to the community about the rule changes and new available administration positions he has advised me to re-apply. 


    Job Application: Administrator - VSH #1


    Age: 15


    Ingame Name: Ladaja - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132501916/


    Steam ID: 0:0:86118094


    What time do you normally play? Anywhere from 8am-11pm


    How long have you been on the server for? 2 years


    Why should you be an admin? Because VSH #1 really needs one, I have been on the server for a long time and am aware of the server rules and guidelines that must be followed. I have a comprehensive knowledge in relation to the commands that administrators may be required to use when having to resolve conflicts and create resolutions. And because im a sick cunt. 


    Do you have a mic and is it good quality? Yes I do and it is good quality. I use it quite a lot as I usually have in game conversations with other players and sometimes I use it to remind rule breakers or in general just really fucking annoying 8 year olds of the rules. [usually in regard to mic spam :P]


    Do you know administrator commands? Yes


    Have you read and understood the rules for admin & player rules? Yes


    If you stop playing on phantom gamers will you notify us so we can revoke your position and give it to a more suitable and regular player (candidate): Yes


    Additional Information: I have made a new application as killer informed me it would be a wise decision in relation the statement he made today about the new rules and expectations on the forums/ steam community [i know its the 3rd one, but thats what he told me I should do] 

    I have already explained the reasons why I should be given this position and have already been backed by many regulars on the server (+1 and upvotes). 


    I really want this server to peace again, free from mic spam and map exploitation.


    Kind Regards for the 3rd fucking time! :D


  6. Job Application: Adminstrator or Moderator (VSH Saxton #1 server)


    How often am I on the server? Everyday for hours on end


    Do you use the mic frequently? Yes all the time whether it being in conversation with other players or general reinforcement of server rules when I see others breaking them. 


    Do you know administrator commands? Yes, I have a comprehensive knowledge all necessary administrator commands including: /kick example, /ban example 10 days etc.


    How long have you been on this server for? 2 years


    Why should you be given administrator rights? Because unlike the current administrators I am always on the server, I know the server rules, I know all the commands and know when and how to use them. 


    Additional Information: I have applied once in the past (A few months ago now) for administrator and was declined as there were no available positions. None of the current administrators (Aside from very rarely budder and VERY rarely guardiansnow) ever come onto the server and it is becoming a server with a lot of rule breaking and general misconduct as there is no-one to prevent it. I am always on the server and get along with everyone who plays on it.


    If there are no available positions yet AGAIN atm then I suggest revoking or demoting some of or one of the current admins as they clearly cannot fulfil this role. 


    Thank you for your consideration and see you in game! 


  7. Hi there to all whom read this, if you play on vsh or even dodgeball you might know me (Depending on if I have met you or not of course!) I am looking for an admin position on the #1 vsh server, although it has been advertised by killer himself that there are no available positions. The current admins are barely on the server and when they are not hell breaks loose with map exploitation; continuous player aggression by trolls and general misbehaviour that goes unpunished or undealed with. I myself have been a very regular player on this server for 2 years (I come on every single day). And when I and other players come on to the server to have some fun and then have it ruined by matters such as these it really gets on everyones nerves. I have the knowledge of basic admin commands and have experience in resolving matters appropriately. 


    Command Example:

    E.g. /kick player 1000 years


    If given admin I can promise that I would be appropriate and fair with this position given, all I ask is to keep the peace on my favourite server when it gets to points like this. 

    If you need references, cookieninja, guardian, Miss Britt, Dandan, Eternal, and pretty much other regulars on the server like retarded arrow and etc can tell you more about me! :D


    Whatever decision is made I appreciate your consideration.



