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Posts posted by zm8x87

  1. It is worth a million dollars, but it is all untradable and uncraftable items.



    I wish, that I could be supreme overlord of the world.

    After the world is overcome by HIV and cancer. lol


    I wish that you'd all die :>

  2. Job: I am applying for Admin.  (Saxton Hale servers)


    Real Life Name: Patrick N.


    In Game Name: Deadmau5™| D3aDmAu5 (May changes sometimes).


    Age:  14


    Maturity (1-10): I’d say about 8.5-9.


    Something about me: I love first person shooters. Team Fortress 2 would be my favourite, I play it every day. Currently on 1,700 hours played. I spent most of my time on both hale servers. It takes 70% of my playing time every day. I put the same amount of time playing into my studies as well. I think that many people from the hale servers know me well.  Since I’m on the server regularly I would like the help phantom servers, making it a fun play to be while keeping the server “clean”.


    If I become an admin what will I do: I will try to get rid of hackers, mute/gag spammers, kick cappers and try to keep scamming under control.  I will try to make the server a lot of fun. Kick inactive players so that other people who actually are active can join and play. Sometimes when I’m playing in the server, they are full and I usually see about 4-6 afkers.  I will also try to make the server a player friendly environment.


    What I know how to do: This is my first time I have applied for anything in Team Fortress 2. I want to start admin rank here at the phantom gaming server. The place feels like home to me. I want to help the community. Anyway from what I have seen from Admins (not only from the Phantom Gaming) is that they can set their own classes, make votes (mostly for rushes), slapping and slaying. If I get chosen to be an admin I hope I will get experience from it to be a better admin and make new friends. I will not abuse this power, I will use only when needed.


    Additional Info: I have good friends on the Saxton Hale server that are well known, I have also made friends with admins like Creapy Pedo and Dovah. I have head admins and moderators on my friends list where I can go ask questions if I have any troubles. I do keep calm in Hale so I won’t abuse players, make them leave from the server, etc.  


    Thank you for reading this application!


    -You’re sincerely, Deadmau5/Patrick

    +rep. knows his shit

  3. ~To Pokemon theme melody~


    ~VERSE 1~
    I wanna be the very best

    Like Fatal1ty always was

    To snipe them is my real test

    To pwn them is my cause


    I will hop to every server

    Pinging far and wide

    Each player to understand

    The noobiness inside


    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) it's 1 v 10

    It's an opportunity

    Awpcampers! oooh, you're their worst foe

    In a game of competitive

    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) a scope so true

    Their rushes will get them killed


    You knife me, I'll noscope you

    Awp-camp-ers, gotta snipe 'em all


    ~VERSE 2~

    Every achievement in the game

    With hacks I will get

    I will aimbot erryday

    To make them all so mad


    Come with me, let's go gank them

    There's no better way

    Awp and awp we'll camp them all

    It's our old tradition



    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) it's 1 v 10

    It's an opportunity

    Awpcampers! oooh, you're their worst foe

    In a game of competitive

    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) a scope so true

    Their rushes will get them killed


    You knife me, I'll noscope you



    Gotta snipe 'em all

    Gotta snipe 'em all
    Gotta snipe 'em all
    Gotta snipe 'em all
    Gotta snipe 'em all!

    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) it's 1 v 10

    It's an opportunity

    Awpcampers! oooh, you're their worst foe

    In a game of competitive

    Awpcampers! (gotta snipe them all) a scope so true

    Their rushes will get them killed


    You knife me, I'll noscope you

    Awp-camp-ers, gotta snipe 'em all


    Gotta snipe 'em all!






    P.S. Tailored by my pro quickscope MLG cs:go awpcamp skillz

    P.P.S Original idea by me

  4. 1. Job: Admin


    2. Real Name: Nicholas


    3. In Game Name: Fisho3z (I might have other tags and hashtags around it)


    4. Age: 12


    5.. Maturity: I'd say around 8.3? Although it depends on the situation and the way you look at it


    6. Something About You: Im a pretty cool-headed guy and pretty kind too, although i wouldn't let that get the better of me. I like gaming alot and have quite alot of tiem to spend on it. I like TF2 and Minecraft (mc) and those two games are probably the only gamers i play. I often go on Phantom Gamers server and becoming admin would be useful for the server as there would be an admin on regularily


    7. If You Do Become Admin, What would You Do: Well theres alot of stuff to do so shall we list the not dos first? I will not give out special treatment to friends. I will not break the rules for admin commands. Now, the basics: I will kick long afks (atleast 30 mins id say), i will slay friendlies, mute mic spammers and squeakers and kids. I will also do ban hackers etc. I will try to keep as active on the server to keep it peaecful and hacker, micspammer and squeaker free place. I ensure that i would do what a normal admin would do and a little more :)


    8. What You Know How To Do (With The Job IE: Graphic Designer): I am still young and have not learned any computer related things except the basics.


    9. (Optional) Additional Info (IE Examples Of You Work): I am a pretty smart boy as i am asian and forced to do alot of work. I have some experience for SM commands as a friend of mine once taught me a few. I have a good connection to the server and thats really all you need to know :)


    P.S. Add me on steam if you want any additional info or questions for me



    Might be a bit young but still has sense in him and is on often


  5. This will be the place where I upload the files that VIP will include. I'm a bit foggy on flags, though.

    As Of Now (I'm Lazy) - Functions:


    - Custom Name Colours +Tags. No text colours because they're ANNOYING. REQUIRES Simple-ChatProcessor.smx

            Owner Flag- "o"

            Admin Flag- "a"

            VIP Flag- "v"

    All this is in the custom-chatcolors.cfg. I did what I THOUGHT should be right, don't ask me. If it's not, there's always overrides.


    http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/438874/simple-chatprocessor-smx.html  (No Config for this)

    http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/438878/custom-chatcolors-cfg.html (ChatColors Config)

    http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/438881/custom-chatcolors-smx.html (ChatColors SMX)





    - Requires modifying admin_overrides.cfg.

    - Setting "betherobot" (def.all) will allow the group specified to toggle it on themselves.

    - Setting "betherobot_admin" (def.kick) will allow the selected group to toggle it on other players.



    Tune the plugin to your liking with tf/cfg/server.cfg.

    • sm_betherobot_footsteps (1/0, def. 1) Play footsteps from robots?
    • sm_betherobot_default (1/0, def. 0) Should everyone who joins get a robot model by default?
    • sm_betherobot_classes (def. 0) What classes shouldn't be able to be robot? Add up the numbers to get the restrictions you want. 1=Scout, 2=Soldier, 4=Pyro, 8=Demo, 16=Heavy, 32=Engineer, 64=Medic, 128=Sniper, 256=Spy. Default is 0 (no restrictions)
    • sm_betherobot_sounds (1/0, def. 1) Should robots' voices become robotic?
    • sm_betherobot_taunts (1/0, def. 1) Should robots be able to taunt?
    • sm_betherobot_fileexists (1/0, def. 1) Should the plugin check if the robot-voice sound file actually exists? Disable this if you're having trouble with sounds. It might fix it.
    • sm_betherobot_cooldown (def. 2.0) Players must wait this long, in seconds, between toggling robot on themselves. Set to 0.0 for no cooldown.
    • sm_betherobot_wearables (1/0, def. 1) Show wearables on robots? Many wearables don't merge with the robot model properly, and thus create long lines going to the map's origin.
    • sm_betherobot_wearables_kill (1/0, def. 0) If this is 1, and _wearables is 0, wearables will be outright removed from players when they become robots. This makes it so they'll also have no wearables when they un-robot, but on the other hand, BLU zombie players appear RED if this isn't on.




    http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/438884/betherobot-smx.html (Be the Robot! SMX)



    Don't ask me how the fuck this works.



    Get Killer to add flags and tags for VIP




    -All For Now-
