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StaticHS last won the day on January 17 2013

StaticHS had the most liked content!

About StaticHS

  • Rank
    Server Admin
  • Birthday 07/01/1999

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  • Skype

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  1. StaticHS

    Admin Applications. OLD

    StaticHS's Admin Application Job: Admin Age: 14 maturity: 8.6 Something about you: My name is Harold, I have hosted a few Minecraft servers and 1 TF2 server in the past. I know the in's and out's of them. I am 14 years of age and I am a Gamer. What you know how to do: I know how to configure Minecraft and TF2 since I have hosted servers for both those games. I have experience in knowing how to advertise efficiently and bring more players to this community. Additional Info: I would like to apply for the rank as 'Admin'. I know the responsibilities that have to be taken if chosen as being a Admin. I would like to help as much people as I can so i can reduce the stress, pressure and workload of Administrators that are Present. I understand that they much have to work on to improve the server, Hardware and Software based. I would always help any members that need help. I know that Administrators have much work to do such as installing new and improved plugins that will further improve the server hence why I am prepared to do activities that will help the server into reaching its max potential such as helping people in need, doing favors and maintaining the server in a 'healthy state'. I guarantee you guys that you will not be let down if chosen to become a Admin.