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Accepted Ladaja's Administrator/Mod Application

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Job Application: Adminstrator or Moderator (VSH Saxton #1 server)


How often am I on the server? Everyday for hours on end


Do you use the mic frequently? Yes all the time whether it being in conversation with other players or general reinforcement of server rules when I see others breaking them. 


Do you know administrator commands? Yes, I have a comprehensive knowledge all necessary administrator commands including: /kick example, /ban example 10 days etc.


How long have you been on this server for? 2 years


Why should you be given administrator rights? Because unlike the current administrators I am always on the server, I know the server rules, I know all the commands and know when and how to use them. 


Additional Information: I have applied once in the past (A few months ago now) for administrator and was declined as there were no available positions. None of the current administrators (Aside from very rarely budder and VERY rarely guardiansnow) ever come onto the server and it is becoming a server with a lot of rule breaking and general misconduct as there is no-one to prevent it. I am always on the server and get along with everyone who plays on it.


If there are no available positions yet AGAIN atm then I suggest revoking or demoting some of or one of the current admins as they clearly cannot fulfil this role. 


Thank you for your consideration and see you in game! 


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