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Flamekong's Moderator To Admin Application 



1. Why do you want to become Admin instead of Moderator?:

- Having Admin will allow me to better enforce the rules than if I was a Moderator. Having the extra commands/permissions will allow me to make the server a more fun place for everyone and will allow me to do a better job catching rule breakers. The title of "Admin" will also allow me to be taken more seriously compared to if I was a Moderator. However saying this, I do feel that the current permissions moderators have are enough to do what they have to. They're just a little limited. 


2. What have you done to make yourself recognized by the community?:

- I have played on the server for a very long time, so I am known by a a large majority of the community. I'm friends with current staff, previous staff members that still continue to play, as well as people that frequent the server. I play on the server very often, even with all of the other responsibilities that I have. 


3. Age?:

- Currently, I am 17 years old


4. Are you prepared to get yelled at?

- By both players and staff members, yes. I am always looking for ways to improve as a staff member and as a person as well. 


5. What have you learned about the server when your a moderator?

- Primarily to enforce the rules and to make the server a fun place without being borderline "Abusive". Most players don't like it if the server's always on "disco-mode", they're constantly being killed after a round's ended, or they're being force taunted at the start of every game. It's fun to begin with, but you have to not cross the line or it gets annoying. If I ever do something like this, It's done with a majority vote. 



Thanks for reading, I hope you take everything into consideration when making your final decision. 

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