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Minecraft Admin Rules and Guidelines

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Admin rules and Guidelines

Admin Introduction,
Congratulations on, inspiring to be a admin/being an admin!
These are the rules, and how to use the commands needed.
Keep in mind, if you're a moderator, you can only kick, ban, mute ect.
Doing the right thing will assist you in being promoted.


IMPORTANT: Your job as admin/mod is to enforce the rules we have set in the community. But enforce these rules within our guidelines, which are shown below.


Please note, the people's SteamIDs listed below, are the people who are immune to these rules. If you're told to do something by one of these people, you do so.


1.0 How to use the commands needed.

1.1 Kicking and Banning

1.2 Core Protect


2.0 Rules to Enforce


3.0 Admin Rules


4.0 - Admin Infractions


5.0 Other



These are some very basic commands, these will be all the commands you will mostly need to know as admin. The listed commands below are to be typed into chat by (i.e /tp killer_Awesome_Phantom).


/tp  [Name] Teleports you to that player.


/mail [name] [message] - send a player a message even if there off line. (Works across servers)


/gm [0-3] - Changes your gamemode


/pv - Makes you invisible and makes its look like you left the server and are off line.



1.1 KIcking and Banning 

Kicking - When kicking players you must give a reason for the kick


Banning - When banning player you must give a descriptive reason for the ban because when the player disputes the ban 6 months later no one knows why they were banned when the reason says "because"


| = or
-s = Silent punishemnt (no notification to others)

/kick [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT>
Kick a player

/ban /mute /warn [PLAYER] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT>
Ban/Mute/Warn a player

/banip [PLAYER/IP] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT>
Ban a player's IP. If you enter a name it will use the cached IP

/tempban /tempmute /tempwarn [PLAYER] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s><REASON | @LAYOUT>
Tempban/mute/warn a player for a given time or with a time-layout for automatic-time-calcualtion

/tempipban [PLAYER/IP] [Xmo|Xd|Xh|Xm|Xs|#TIMELAYOUT] <-s> <REASON | @LAYOUT>
Temippban a player for a given time or with a time-layout for automatic-time-calcualtion
Alias: /tipban

/change-reason [ID] [New reason]
Change the reason for a punishment by id

/change-reason [ban/mute] [PLAYER] [New reason]
Change the reason for a players punishment

/unban /unmute [PLAYER]
Unban/mute a player

/unwarn [ID]
Delete a warn

/unpunish [ID]
Delete a punishment

/warns <PLAYER>
See your own or a player's warnings.

/check [PLAYER]
Get player-status: UUID/IP/Country/Ban-Status/Mute-Status/Warn-Count

/banlist <PAGE>
See all currently active punishments

/history [PLAYER] <PAGE>
See all currently active punishmen


1.2 Core Protect

Quick Command Overview:

/co help - Display a list of commands
/co inspect - Toggle the inspector
/co rollback <params> - Rollback block data
/co restore <params> - Restore block data
/co lookup <params> - Advanced block data lookup


Shortcut Commands:

/co near

Performs a lookup with a radius of 5

/co undo 

Revert a rollback/restore via the opposite action


 /co inspect

Enable the inspector. Type the command again to disable it. You can also use just "/co i".


/co rollback u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Nearly all of the parameters are optional. Shortcut: "/co rb".


u:<user> - Specify a user to rollback.
Example: u:Notch

t:<time> - Specify the amount of time to rollback
You can specify weeks,days,hours,minutes, and seconds.

Example: t:2w,5d,7h,2m,10s

You can pick and choose time amounts. 
Example: t:5d2h

You can also use decimals
Example: t:2.50h (2 and a half hours)

r:<radius> - Specify a radius.
You can use this to only rollback blocks near you.

You can specify a number (e.g. r:5), a world (e.g. r:#world_the_end), a global rollback (r:#global), or a WorldEdit selection (r:#worldedit or r:#we)

For example, the following would only rollback damage within 10 blocks of where you are standing: r:10

a:<action> - Restrict the lookup to a certain action
For example, if you wanted to only rollback blocks placed, you would use a:+block

Here's a list of all the actions:

  • a:block (blocks placed/broken)
  • a:+block (blocks placed)
  • a:-block (blocks broken)
  • a:click (player interactions)
  • a:container (items taken from or put in chests, etc.)
  • a:+container (items put in chests, etc.)
  • a:-container (items taken from chests, etc.)
  • a:kill (mobs/animals killed)
  • a:chat (messages sent in chat)
  • a:command (commands used)
  • a:session (player logins/logouts)
  • a:+session (player logins)
  • a:-session (player logouts)
  • a:username (username changes

b:<blocks> - Restrict the rollback to certain block types.
For example, if you wanted to only rollback stone, you would use b:1
You can specify multiple items, such as b:1,5,7

You can find a list of block type IDs at http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values


e:<exclude> - Exclude certain block types from the rollback.
For example, if you don't want TNT to come back during a rollback, you would type e:46

#<hashtag> - Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions.
For example, to perform a rollback preview, you would use #preview

Here's a list of available hashtags:

  • #preview (Preview a rollback/restore)
  • #count (Return the number of rows found in a lookup query)
  • #verbose (Display additional information during a rollback/restore)
  • #silent (Display minimal information during a rollback/restore)


 /co restore u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Same parameters as /rollback. Shortcut: "/co rs".

Restoring can be used to undo rollbacks.


/co lookup u:<user> t:<time> r:<radius> a:<action> b:<blocks> e:<exclude>

Search through block data using the same parameters as /co rollback. Shortcut: "/co l".

If multiple pages are returned, use the command "/co lookup <page>" to switch pages.
To change the number of lines displayed on a page, use the command "/co lookup <page>:<lines>". 

For example, "/co l 1:10" will return 10 lines of data, starting at the first page.


example Rollback Commands:

>>By default, if no radius is specified, a radius of 10 will be applied, restricting the rollback to within 10 blocks of you. Use "r:#global" to do a global rollback.

Rollback Notch 1 hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h

PREVIEW rolling back Notch 1 hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h #preview

Rollback Notch 23 hours and 17 minutes (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:23h17m

Rollback ONLY stone placed/broken by Notch within the last hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1

Rollback ONLY stone BROKEN by Notch within the last hour (with default radius of 10):
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h b:1 a:-block

Rollback EVERYTHING Notch did in the last hour EXCEPT for stone he placed/broken:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:#global e:1

Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour that is within 20 blocks of you:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:20

Rollback griefing Notch did in the last hour ONLY in the Nether:
/co rollback u:Notch t:1h r:#nether

Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes by anyone within 30 blocks of you:
/co rollback t:15m r:30

Rollback everything done in the last 15 minutes in a WorldEdit selection:
/co rollback t:15m r:#worldedit



2.0 Rules to Enforce


The general rules you should be looking to Enforce  for all server are as follows.


Spamming - 1st (1 hour mute) 2nd (24 hour mute) 3rd (permanent ban) 


Hacking/Aimbotting - 1st (30 ban) 2nd (perm Ban)


Exploiting Bug - 1st (30 ban) 2nd (perm Ban)

Any form of bugs/commands that give players an unfair advantage (i.e going under map) slay them and if they continue ban them for one day.


Griefing- 1st (30 ban) 2nd (perm Ban)

Any form of destroying others people builds




Asking for admin or items - 1st (1 hour mute) 2nd (24 hour mute) 3rd (permanent ban) 


Admin Disrespect - 1st (1 hour mute) 2nd (24 hour mute) 3rd (permanent ban)

Expect to get a lot of shit from players, it's what the life of an admin is. If it serious abuse, you can mute them and ban them if it continues.


Disrespectful or Abuse - 1st (1 hour mute) 2nd (24 hour mute) 3rd (2 Days) 

While we don't mind a little trolling but we don't tolerate players being abusive or racist, this results in a mute. If they continue to after being muted, feel free to kick them. If they continue after that, feel free to ban them for 2 day.


Advertising - 1st (Warning in chat) 2nd (24 hour mute) 3rd (permanent ban)

If some one is Advertising of other servers on our server.


3.0 Admin Rules


The rules you should be looking to follow as an admin.


Spawn item for player - You my only give items to players if the lost and item to a bug.




4.0 - Admin Infractions

If you break the rules of being an admin this is what will happen


Minor Infractions - you will receive a warning if you continue after the warning or continue to cause problem you will be demote either completely or by one rank


Major Infractions - If you for example giving items multiple time your rank will be removed completely.





5.0 Other


If you have any question feel free to contact killer_Awesome_phantom.


Missing Info - If you feel Like some thing is missing please make a post below or contact killer_Awesome_Phantom


Contacting killer - When you send me a message on steam i may take a up to 24-hours to respond if i don't respond with in a day please resend the message as i might have lost it when i restarted my computer or some thing.

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