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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Dj woshi

    Retarded Avocado | Mod Application

    Hello, My name is Lochlin and I have been a player of Phantom-Gamers Saxton hale for 1-2 Years now having over 15 Days game time on that server alone. I Have growen to understand of the rules and how the game is to be played putting the Knowledge to good use to help others. I find my self to be one of the friendlier players in the community welcoming and explaining to the new players the rules and the concept of the server Why do you want to become Moderator? I believe I could for fill a friendly community and Reinforce the rules when the time comes. I know how to have fun but also so know self control not abusing powers on my self or others. What have you done to make yourself recognized by the community? I guest my friendly persona towards other players Age? 16 Are you prepared to be yelled at? Defiantly if I'm not doing my job right i accept what is coming to me What have you learned about the server when a Player? To treat others as you would like to Be treated and don't piss off a player Additional info: Skype: Locrocks1 Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/RetardedAvo/ I know I might of said or done stupid shit a bit ago but times change people change and yeah Love to know the out come of the app Cheers, Lochlin