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Everything posted by ♥Pancake♥

  1. Oh yeah about my statement about the "recruiting admins". How long has it been since we've recruited someone? I take back what i said about not being able to recruit anyone though. My fault.
  2. I have many things i want to point out here, as i feel it is necessary. I am not supporting or going against light's appeal, but to be honest, light has been abusing quite frequently. I know that this is very fun for some but others disagree. I do see how he does it for the sake of the people playing, as i have too had that feeling of needing to please or keep the players entertained etc. But i do disagree so some extent of his abuses. In contrast to this (sorry for the weird terms), i do think that Light is really the only admin that goes on now, due to the inactivity of other admins or just a shortage of staff. When Light isnt on, i see nearly no admins/mods on, and im sure people will agree with that. But luckily VIPS do play their parts in helping atleast a little bit with vote muting and slaying. I am also aware that some people, not naming who, are quite the fibbers to get their own fair share of power. I know that Light was demoted because of someone else wanting an admin position, and still not naming, which i think is a very foul play and selfish. To be honest, i've only saw this on RAWR, fully expected. I really am torn, because as many know, i pretty close to Light, but then some actions he does i do think is wrong. But i do think it is a pity that he was demoted, as i try to make an emphasis, the staff is lacking. Not only in numbers, but in the recruiting. I'm sorry to evan for bringing this up, but demoting me, avix and light meant demoting those who were quite active, (spud also). We were always active on the forum, giving opinions to those who applied for admins/mods, and making sure admin apps were not left hanging. And to be honest, up to this point, i still do wonder why i was demoted for an exact reason. Light was like the last straw, the last active admin in PG. After this, i expect no admins on most of the time, and VIPS trying to maintain the server. All i request is to think carefully about what was done, and what effects it would have in the future. I do question what would happen to PG in the future. I know that Killer and Evan are busy with their own things, but then who will be there to recruit others? Other staff to be honest are not as active on the VSH server. Please put this demotion in thought, or just recruit others you feel needy of. Dont just wait for the opportunity, you got to grab hold of it.
  3. -1 i dont know why your dream 'job' is to be a mod/admin on a gaming server, but i disagree with some of these points, same as your other app (In which case, what happened to it?) I go on sometimes and you're just like before, and i don't see how mentioning you do raffles for stranges and weps for people you criticized, would help you get admin even further. I acknowledge that thats a good deed, but it almost sounds like bribery. P.S: This has nothing to do with my -1, but why was my name an example for a bad guy? ._. Well i do know that we had some feuds, so that just tells me something.
  4. I like most of the other people on this thread, don't really give a +1 or -1, all i give you is advice. I have heard many stories about you being stuck up, i even see it in-game too. And i also agree with Dr Symmetry, i can't see you being an admin. Plus you can be really clingy to people, im not naming anyone. Update: You also are very whiny. Cookieninja unboxed an unusual, and you we're complaining about how you don't have any unusuals. You start whining about it, asking cookieninja for one. You keep carrying on about how you have no unusuals, and in the end you say "Stop talking about unusuals, i don't want to talk about unusuals." Even though im pretty sure you started the whole conversation. You shouldn't keep hassling someone about having no unusuals, for about 15 minutes straight. It's uncalled for.
  5. ♥Pancake♥

    Pancake's Admin/Mod Application

    Evix How can you abuse powers with VIP? And i lost VIP a while ago.
  6. Hello guys! 1. Game: Team Fortress 2 2. Steam name + Steam URL:♥Pancake♥ URL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pancakkee 3. Your age? : 14 4. Why should you be admin? : I am an active player on PG. When i can, i slay afks, and mute spammers. I give them 2 warnings first. I am very familiar with being admin as i have been admin on tf2 servers before. I am very well known on the server, and when someone needs me, i'll be there. Not only do i pay close attention for freepoints, mic spams etc, i am well open to others and glad to talk to everyone! 5. Define becoming an admin : Being an admin, is being friendly to the people on the server, but also keeping it in order. We also make sure that the server is fun and enjoyable for new members! Its essential that we're not overpowered in one skill like being too serious or being just a laughing stock. Being an admin is not to put your own desires first, but putting the other people on the server's first, when it comes to fun (like being selfish and abusing and cocky.) 6. Do you have a mic if so do you use it a lot? : I do have a mic, and i plan to use it often 7. Do you know the commands of admin (e.g sm_kick)? Yes, i know all of the essential commands from seeing other admins using them, what not. 8. What is your policy with scammers? :My policy with scammers are try to find what EXACTLY happened, not just from the victim's point of view. If i do find out that the scammer was all at fault, i would ban him for a year. He might aswell forget about this server. 9. Additional info:I normally play on #2. And i'm just.. fun? :DD
  7. ♥Pancake♥

    TF2 vsh admin application

    i sometimes see you on the server.. and i agree with Scarlet. Maybe you should search up admin commands or ask another admins so you well and truly know the commands. but +1 for me GL :DDD
  8. +1 FOR YOU MRS! didn't know this app was here until recently but, honestly, i think you will be great for admin. You're sensible (in some ways xD) and you're also very nice and would paint a smile on the people of this community !! Good luck! I hope you get the position!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD
  9. ♥Pancake♥

    Pancake's Admin/Mod Application

    Thankyou guys~ )))
  10. +1 nice guy, hope you get it : )