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Everything posted by N1GHTC0RE

  1. Game: Team fortress 2 Server: dodgeball mostly Steam: I am N1GHTC0RE but i sometimes also go as The360sniper, my steam account is http://steamcomunity.com/profiles/76561198144382923 so yea. Age: i am currently 18 Why i would like to be admin: I usually play the dodgeball server, and there is always stealers sometimes scammers mic spammers and pervs and there is usualy not an admin on the server. If i get admin my plan of action would be to warn the culprit 2-3 times and if they choose to continue, slay/slap them and if they choose to continue it will be a kick then ban etc. Define *Admin*: well an admin is someone who implies the law (rules) and has to look after the server. Being an admin isnt the easiest job but with some ahrd work everything can be solved Do you have a microphone?: yes i do but a cord is screwed up so i cant use it, D: Do you know the admin commands?: Yes i do know them, i have been an admin before on a server of my friends and i am aware of most commands What would you do to certain types of rulebreakers?: Well with all of the above rulebreakers id give them a chance to stop, but after those chances id give the following punishments. With stealers i would slap then if they continue id get worse, like slay, kick and ban if they dont stop after tons and tons of steals. Mic spammers would get muted. pervs would get given all of the above commands if they dont stop and scammers would be told to give the item/s back and if they dont they will get reported, i will try not to ban them from server so they can give the item/s back. About me: I would love to get admin to inforce justice on lawbreaker scrubs, I have been playing tf2 for 4 years now and have played this server for about a month. I will not be able to be on 24/7 because i do have school (university) so i may not be able to stop every single lawbreaker that there ever was, but if i do see a lawbreaker i will warn then punish said lawbreaker Thanks for reading!!! -N1GHTC0RE, muah