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Everything posted by CaptainFudgeKnuckle

  1. 1. Game/Job - Dodge Ball/ Mod or Admin 2. Your Age - 15 turning 16 in June 3. In Game Name and Steam ID - http://steamcommunity.com/id/CaptainFudgeKnuckle/ - CaptainFudgeKnuckle 4. What Time do you Normally Play - Usually I'm on between 5pm to 7pm or 6pm to 8pm (Aussie Time) 5. Why should you be an Admin - I have played on this server for sometime now and it has been an extremely fun and enjoyable experience. Now I just want to help,support and make the players time on this server as enjoyable as mine. I am trustworthy, calm and try to always keep a leveled head in tense situations as I don't like hurting others feelings. Times when I'm on the Dodge Ball server I see players abusing the rules with no Mods/Admins on to stop them, and I hate seeing the players game(s) ruined because of it, and I just want to keep the server fun and enjoyable for all. That is the reason for my application. 6. Do you have a Mic? If so how often do you use it - Yes I do have a mic and I only use it when it seems necessary e.g. Explaining something, Informing someone of something or just when its needed 7. Do you know the Commands for Admin? - I have a basic idea of the admin commands but I can learn the quick and easy if need be 8. Have you been Admin on another Server before? - No, but theirs first time for everything, plus if I need help I am never shy to ask, 9. Have you read, and fully understand the Admin Rules? - I have read the Admin rule and will try to keep up to data with them if changes are made 10. If you stop Playing on Phantom-Gamers, will you inform us so we can Remove your Rank for Someone Else to take the Position? - Yes, at the very lest I will inform an admin/staff of Phantom-Gamers 11. Additional Information - I haven't post 5 times on the forums, but I'll get it do asap. -I understand the vast amounts of applications that you must receive for these positions and because of this I will be a little bit disappoint but I will understand if not chosen.
  2. CaptainFudgeKnuckle

    What improvement would you like to see

    TF2 Dodge Ball, the Country map has glitched out as you are able to spawn as any class and kill each other without any default rocks spawning. Rip.