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Wanna know something I find annoying?

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Something that I have noticed is that people just spam on other posts just to try and get their post count up and feel good. This has happened predominately in the application section of the forum, which is also one of the more important sections to Phantom Gamers. Such things as +1 and -1 are barely worth anything from an "unranked" community member, where I have heard from multiple admins that +1 and -1 are really only effective if done by a mod / admin / beesley.


Something else that I hate as well is the revival of 1-2 year old posts, due to one person trying to get their post count up.


Ok, rant over. Have a nice day. 

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Don't mind me, just getting my post count up.



But on a serious note, I agree that +/-'s from non-staff members shouldn't be weighted as heavily, but if they have something relevant to contribute like the applicant's behaviour on the servers then it should certainly be taken into consideration/investigated.


Also, I think these excerpts from the forum rules may be of use:

"Do not bump threads which haven't been posted on in excess of a month as often times the question will have been answered or the issue resolved by that point, this is considered necro-bumping and may result in a warning."

"Posting just to raise your post count will not be tolerated in any form. Your post count is just a number, NOT a status symbol. If you think you will get more respect having more posts, you are mistaken."

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Exactly, I mean I do understand that people have opinions, but some people just have to many opinions in some cases....


I totally agree mate, there is a section on the forums under "spam" where people can get their forum post counts up via those topics.

I know the exact 2 people you are talking about, and they constantly +1 and -1 and i can guarantee their say has never been taken into consideration.


Note to those 2 people who post on every single application and thread. (You know who you are)

(Being active on the forums does not get you a position, its having experience, knowledge and leadership which will get you a position).

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