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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2014 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Good job editing your post to a negative one after you got outed about your age, And you couldn't even come up with a better reason then that as an excuse, even though the reason i applied was to stop abuse? Please, everyone knows i wouldn't. Your a Pathetic, Desperate little kid that abuses your mod power (which you shouldn't even still have according to many). Id feel sympathy for you if your weren't such an abusing dick that finds it fun to ruin others fun with rapid fire crit spam, re-sizing and un-necessary muting/gagging. Also nice grammar. Maybe you should grow up mentally and learn to not hold a grudge on everyone for making a joke out of YOUR lie, other wise your not going to get any respect from anyone. Try to grow up and be at least half the man your mother is.
  2. -2 points
    -1 looking at the person you are would abuse your powers.