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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2016 in Posts

  1. -1 points

    Amanda's application for admin

    did i say there was a problem? im just pretty shit are trying to explain and bad are grammar so idk
  2. -1 points

    Griffins admin app

    Game / Job: Saxton - Admin Age: 15 Ingame name and steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198256956241/ - STEAM_0:1:148345256 - XxGriffinxX™ | Road2Unusual What time do you normally play: I normally play all day, depends on how Im feeling and holidays and school Why should you be an admin: I should be admin because I have no responsibilities, I need something to be responsible about. Do you have a mic: I do have a mic, I use it quite often, depends on how I'm feeling, again. Do you know the admin commands: I think so... Lemme go check right now. Have you been admin/mod on another server before: Fuck no. 1st timer. have you read and fully understood the admin and player rules: I think I do fully understand. I have read all the rules though. If you stop playing on phantom-gamers will you let us know so that someone else can take your spot: yesh :3 Additional Info: is what I'm typing additional info?