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Posts posted by Killer_Awesome_Phantom

  1. Admin rules and Guidelines

    Admin Introduction,
    Congratulations on, inspiring to be a admin/being an admin!
    These are the rules, and how to use the commands needed.
    Keep in mind, if you're a moderator, you can only kick, ban, mute ect.
    Doing the right thing will assist you in being promoted.


    IMPORTANT: Your job as admin/mod is to enforce the rules we have set in the community. But enforce these rules within our guidelines, which are shown below.


    Please note, the people's SteamIDs listed below, are the people who are immune to these rules. If you're told to do something by one of these people, you do so.


    1.0 How to use the commands needed.

    1.1 KIcking and Banning

    1.2 How to Target Players

    1.4 Phantom-Gamers Admin Tool


    2.0 Rules to Enforce

    2.1 Saxton Hale

    2.2 Dodgeball


    3.0 Admin Rules


    4.0 - Admin Infractions


    5.0 Other



    These are some very basic commands, these will be all the commands you will mostly need to know as admin. The listed commands below are to be typed into the console or in to chat by replacing sm_ with a / or ! (i.e /slay killer_Awesome_Phantom) , although we have our own admin plug-in which is explained at the bottom of the 'Targeting Section'.


    sm_beacon - Produces a ring of the corresponding teams around the  targeted player along with a sound. (See below on how to target)


    sm_csay - [message] - A broadcast that is shown to players as 'Admin:[message]'.


    sm_slap - Slaps a targeted player, (See below on how to target) dealing no damage, but moves there player model. Only use when the other player agrees to be slapped and it doesn't affect other players.


    sm_slay - Slays a targeted player type. (See below on how to target).


    sm_kick - Kicks a targeted player from the server. (See below on how to target).


    sm_mute - Mutes targeted player from microphone. Use sm_unmute to unmute player (See below on how to target).


    sm_pmute - Mutes targeted player from microphone permanently even if they leave and rejoin or the map changes. Please only use on the more annoying players the consistently avoid mutes. Use sm_punmute to unmute player (See below on how to target).


    sm_gag - Removes a player's ability to use chat. Use sm_ungag to ungag player (See below on how to target).


    sm_pgag - Removes a player's ability to use chat. permanently even if they leave and rejoin or the map changes. Please only use on the more annoying players the consistently avoid mutes. Use sm_pungag to ungag player (See below on how to target).


    sm_silence - Silences targeted player from using chat messaging and voice chat. Use sm_punsilence to unsilence player (See below for on how to target).


    sm_psilence - Silences targeted player from using chat messaging and voice chatpermanently even if they leave and rejoin or the map changes. Please only use on the more annoying players the consistently avoid mutesUse sm_punsilence to unsilence player (See below for on how to target).


    sm_ban - Bans targeted player. Use sm_unban to unban player (See below on how to target).



    sm_timebomb - Gives a targeted player 10 seconds before exploding. (See below on how to target).


    sm_vote - This is used like "[Vote Question]" "[Yes or anything else]" "[No or anything else]"


    1.1 KIcking and Banning 


    Kicking - When kicking players you must give a reason for the kick


    Banning - When banning player you must give a descriptive reason for the ban because when the player disputes the ban 6 months later no one knows why they were banned when the reason says "because"


    1.2 How to Target Players

    @red - Applies to all red players.

    @blue - Applies to all blue players.

    @!me - Applies to all but me.

    @me - Applies only to me.

    @alive - All alive players.

    @dead - All dead players.

    @all - Applies to all.

    "Player name" - Applies to that player (i.e sm_slay "Killer_Awesome_Phantom").

    #steamid - Applies to that players steamid (i.e sm_slay #STEAM_0:0:48707494).


    Sourcebans Examples


    sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]

    sm_ban  #STEAM_0:0:48707494 60 "being to Awesome"
    sm_ban  Killer_Awesome_Phantom 60 "being to Awesome"



    1.4 Phantom-Gamers Admin Tool


    This is a very handy plug-in which saves you from constantly typing in the console commands above. The reason I listed these is in case we can't update the plug-in, in time it is important for you to still know the console commands.


    1. Type /admin into chat. This will bring up an interface.


    2. Number 2 (Server Options) and Number 3 (Voting Options) ARE STRICTLY OFF BOUNDS.


    3. Upon opening 'Player Commands'. You will be confronted with this lovely interface with all the information and commands you will need.


    2.0 Rules to Enforce


    The general rules you should be looking to Enforce  for all server are as follows.


    Mic Spamming - When someone makes a consistant/annoying noise, or continues saying the same thing over and over. Also counts as music, this results in a mute. If they continue to mic spam after being muted, feel free to kick them. If they continue after that, feel free to ban them for 1 day.


    Mute Evasion - If someone leaves the server then re-joins in an attempt to continue mic spamming. Ban them for 24 Hours or permanent mute them.


    Hacking/Aimbotting - Any form of hacking (i.e Crit Hack ect.) Results in an instant ban. No warnings.


    Exploiting Bug - Any form of bugs/commands that give players an unfair advantage (i.e going under map) slay them and if they continue ban them for one day.


    Camping - Players can't camp for long periods of time. If there are still 32 people alive and one person is camping then, don't go and slay them. But if there are like 4-5 then yes. The only exceptions to this rule are engineers and snipers.



    Stalling - When players stall the round, dealing little/no damage to hale. Feel free to slay them.
    (NOTE: This also applies to the dodgeball server, if someone is stalling the round, feel free to slay them)


    Players asking for friendly - Warn them that this is off bounds and can be seen as free-pointing.


    Admin Disrespect - Expect to get a lot of shit from players, it's what the life of an admin is. If it serious abuse, you can kick them and ban them if it continues.


    Disrespectful or Abuse - While we don't mind a little trolling but we don't tolerate players being abusive or racist, this results in a mute/gag. If they continue to mic spam after being muted, feel free to kick them. If they continue after that, feel free to ban them for 1 day.


    Advertising - If some one is Advertising of other servers on our server perm ban them.


    2.1 Saxton Hale 


    The rules you should be looking to enforce on saxton hale


    Free Pointing - If someone (I.E The Hale) allows a user to free point, feel free to kick them. If they continue ban them for a day. (Yes, both hale and the player)


    First Round Rules - The only exception to the first round is, if anyone captures the point, you can ban them for 5 mins.


    Friendly - If a player is being friendly for excessive period of time you may slay them.



    2.2 Dodgeball

    The rules you should be looking to enforce on dodgeball


    Stealing - If some one steals a rocket from someone that didn't agree it was ok to steal from then give the player one verbal and chat warning if they continue to steal then kick/slay them (e.i sm_kick Player "Stop stealing") if he continues then ban them for 1 day.




    3.0 Admin Rules


    The rules you should be looking to follow as an admin.


    Respawning - You may only respawn once the game is over or  if it's for admin purposes.


    Rushes - If you want to do a rush you need to do a vote and the vote needs to have a %75 pass (I.e: sm_vote  "No rush" "class" "class" "class" "class").


    Setting Class - To be use Sparingly if you abuse you may be demoted (Do not use to regain hp)


    Friendly Fire - No you cannot turn on friendly fire. Doing so will result in you being demoted.


    Friends - Providing any special treatment to a friend, will result in you being demoted.


    Re-sizing - Resizing yourself or any other player is off bounds, as an admin you're not suppose to have an unfair advantage. resizing you head slightly is fine though


    Gravity - Setting the gravity of yourself or any other player is off bounds.


    Authority - Not following orders from Higher ranked staff, can result in a demotion.


    Colour Commands - Changing the colour of people/yourself, as well as turning on disco mode. Is fine, but if players are disliking it. Stop for a bit.


    Teleporting - Using sm_tele to go anywhere, is off bounds. Use of this will result in a demotion.


    Use conmen sense - If other players do not enjoy what your doing you probable shouldn't be doing it.


    Bugs -  As an admin/mod its you responsibility to report bug and exploits.


    Suggestion - If you hear and think of some way to improve the server let Killer_Awesome_Phantom know


    Set an Example - Part of your job is to set an example for other players and admin so if another admin abusing their powers that dose not give you permission to abuse.


    Ignorants - Ignorants is not a defence so if you didn't know that was against the rules that's your fault because you have to read the rules to apply. If some one uses your account and abuses its still your fault your account is your responsibility.



    4.0 - Admin Infractions

    If you break the rules of being an admin this is what will happen


    Minor Infractions - If you for example abuse the respawn command then you will receive a warning if you continue after the warning or continue to cause problem you will be demote either completely or by one rank


    Major Infractions - If you for example slay ever one multiple time for know reason your rank will be removed completely.





    5.0 Other


    If you have any question feel free to contact killer_Awesome_phantom.


    Missing Info - If you feel Like some thing is missing please make a post below or contact killer_Awesome_Phantom or beesley


    Contacting killer - When you send me a message on steam i may take a up to 24-hours to respond if i don't respond with in a day please resend the message as i might have lost it when i restarted my computer or some thing.

  2. Before submitting an complaint



    Complaint Template

    • Players name: Killer_Awesome_Phantom
    • Players SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:12345678 (This can be found by typing 'status' into the console whilst in-game.)
    • Players steam profile:
    • Server: Saxton Hale #1
    • Time and date of ban: 2.20pm 11/11/11
    • Who else will support your case?: Me, Myself and my Irene.
    • Additional evidence: I.e: Youtube video
    • Why should the you be unbanned:  Because i'm amazing

  3. Before submitting an complaint




    Complaint Template

    • Players name: Killer_Awesome_Phantom
    • Players SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:12345678This can be found by typing 'status' into the console whilst in-game.
    • Players steam profile: 
    • Server: Saxton Hale #1
    • Time and date of incident: 2.20pm 11/11/11
    • Who else will support this request?: Me, Myself and my Irene.
    • Additional evidence: I.e: Youtube video
    • Why should the offender be banned:  He is to goob

  4. I have found the reason why some of you guys are loosing point in short your shit at the game and need to get some skill.  Here is how it works When some one kills you of lesser rank you lose a certain amount of points. I have listed some examples bellow of what we could change to stop this and their down sides of changing it. Keep in mind the we don't want to make it to hard for the new players either.


    • Maximum Skill Change: 20 (down from 25) - This means it takes new players slightly longer to gain ranks, and older players lose less points for dying to new players.
    • Skill Mode: Victims lose 1/4 points killers get (down from 1) - This means the users at the top ranks lose less points for dying to new players but results in greater point-inflation over time.  Points become less valuable, so playtime becomes more of a factor.

  5. I have banned him for 2 weeks if he continues after he is un-banned let me know and i will permanently ban him. Thanks for reporting him just next time could you please report him here (http://bans.phantom-gamers.net/index.php?p=submit).


    Ban Reason

    • micspamming (singing)
    • insulting other players
    • being homophobic
    • generally being annoying
    • Your all-ways reporting people for breaking the rules and being rude but i think you should have reported your self.



    Sethy - if you read this . Then this is how you report someone.

  6. Regarding the servers, I can suggest a couple of plugins that may have a positive impact. VSH in particular, since I can't think of many for Dodgeball right now. I've hyperlinked each plugin for convenience.

    • VSH Damage Tracker - Practically every VSH server runs this plugin, unless you have a very specific reason for not using it.
    • Aim Names - Not a neccesary plugin, but it's nice to have on custom gamemodes like VSH and Dodgeball. Allows players to see the names of their enemies when they mouse over them.
    • AFK Hale Slayer - Suggested by both Bytes and Potato it is an invaluable plugin to have on VSH servers, saves so much time for everyone.

    Other than those, I can't think of any more that you don't already have. Speaking of which, I would highly reccomend sifting through all your plugins and removing all the ones that aren't used often or at all. I would wager at least 1/4 of the plugins on the regular VSH server alone aren't utilized often enough to keep on the server. Seriously, there's at least 90 plugins running on there. Now I don't know what kind of server infrastructure you're running on, but I would try to keep addons to a minimum regardless. I would also check how often people use the pricecheck plugin, because Backpack.tf database updates in the middle of a round aren't fun for anyone (though if your server hardware is good enough I suppose it doesn't really matter).

    Added Plugins and i have been meaning to go threw the plugin but just haven't had the time yet. Thanks for the suggestions.

  7. I'm Currently looking for a few mature players to join a Resonant rise server i'm currently setting up for australian/new zealand players. I'm not to sure what optional mods so i'm going to let you guys choose help me chose when you apply for white listing. All items are allowed unless we find a server breaking bug with it. You will probable need a pretty good pc to play on this server but i found updating  java 64bit to the latest version and installing optifine helped a lot.


    Server Info:


    Server Rules:

    1. No Griefing.
    2. No Stealing.
    3. No exploiting Bugs.
    4. No Harassment of fellow players.
    5. Do not engage in PVP unless consent is given by participating players.
    6. Respect all players.
    7. No Chat spam or constant cussing/swearing.
    8. If a player asks you to leave them alone, or to leave their base, then do so.
    9. Use common sense.


    Whitelist Application Format:

    1. In-Game Name:
    2. Do you live in australian/new zealand?
    3. What are you looking for in the server?
    4. How long have you been playing Minecraft?
    5. What experience do you have with Modded MC?
    6. Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server?
    7. Do you have TS3 and willing to use it?
    8. How active are you?
    9. Do you agree to the rules?
    10. (Not required to join) Are you a youtuber or streamer:
    11. What optional mods would you like to see: