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Everything posted by Starblaster64

  1. Regarding your first point, there is an Admin/Player abuse, sub-forum, as I'm sure you're aware. You should encourage people on the Hale server to use it or tell them to PM an Admin/Staff member they trust if they want to be anonymous. Also inform people how to record .dem files if they don't already know, much simpler and faster than getting people to record footage. It might be a good idea to compile a list of all the Admins/Mods on all of Phantom's servers (if it already exists I can't find it) and figure out who's doing what. "i want the staff to abide by them.", the best Admins will know when to be strict in enforcing rules and when to be a little lax. Unfortunately I can't say I've encountered many of such Admins on PG's VSH server. A good Admin will also know how to handle a situation where the rules do not explicitly decide the outcome. Second point, I fully agree. The Price Check plugin is extremely frustrating, especially for players with poorer rigs/connections (the 'freeze' tends to last marginally longer for them). If it's still seeing average use by players, then I would at least suggest changing the updates to happen less frequently or only on map start/end if possible.
  2. You can't use the Cloak 'n Dagger in VSH, it's replaced with a stock Invisi Watch.
  3. Just a minor thing for the VSH servers. I think several other people besides myself would appreciate it if you increased the Goomba Stomp rebound height back to what you had previously. You'll need to edit the value in the SaxtonHale.cfg, since the VSH plugin now handles Goomba Stomps with its own CVARs that override the ones for the Goomba Stomp plugin. EDIT: I miiight be mixing this up with another server, correct me if I'm wrong please.
  4. Starblaster64

    This ban about Rai and Gem

    What do you mean "scripts to determine rocket distances"? In-game TF2 scripts can't do that, as far as I'm aware. I don't mean to be rude, but this is a forum, not an ongoing text-message conversation. You can type your words in full without needing to rush. It looks like you just gave up on it halfway through your response.
  5. Starblaster64

    Losing Gameme Points

    Are you able to change the skill bonuses on actions recorded by GameME? e.g. stunning with the Sandman? I think creating more ways for players to gain points would be a better alternative to reducing how many they lose for dying. EDIT: I'm talking mainly about the VSH servers, I don't know if the DB servers really need any changes at all.
  6. Starblaster64

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    Vs. Saxton Hale has been updated to v1.55 for a while now, and pretty much all the bugs it had on release are now fixed. Link: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=244209 Important things to note about this update: New modelsGoomba Stomp integration has been changed slightly, you'll need to generate a new SaxtonHale .cfg and set that up again
  7. Starblaster64

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    I'm sure everyone's already seen it, but just in-case it gets buried in the shoutbox before being addressed I'll post it here anyway. Vs. Saxton Hale version 1.53 has recently been released. This version fixes everything that the Gun Mettle update broke (cloak being stupidly broken, among other things), as well as adding some other balance changes, and also contains the addition of Goomba Stomp integration. Download of the compiled plugin as well as source code is available from the GitHub repository, here: https://github.com/WildCard65/Versus-Saxton-Hale/releases/tag/1.53 On a somewhat off-topic note, @BEESLY, what are your abilities concerning maintaining the game servers as a Co-Owner? Do you have full access to the server control panels, FTP, FastDL etc.?
  8. Starblaster64


    I meant that there's already many dodgeball maps that cover most themes and gimmicks. What would a map made to be unique to PG even contain?
  9. Starblaster64


    I don't even know how one would make a unique Dodgeball map. Pretty sure everything has been covered by this stage. Except for a Surf Dodgeball map, that would be pretty cool. EDIT: If anyone does have experience in Hammer and wants to try their hand at making a DB map, I've gone an compiled a list of (possibly) useful resources for you: Voogru's DB Map Guide (Original DB mode creator)Saxton Hell's DB Map GuideAsherkin's DB plugin page (First public DB plugin [now defunct], links a useful .vmf file in the description)
  10. Starblaster64


    Do you mean maps that other server generally don't run, or maps that are made specifically for Phantom-Gamers by someone here? If it's the latter, someone could just join the server, download the map then re-host it on their own DB server anyway. But I'm all in for encouraging people to learn how to use Hammer to make TF2 maps.
  11. A reasonable application, except for: Though it would be helpful if Phantom put some sort of date on it, like "...as of 29/5/2015".
  12. Starblaster64

    Need ideas for bad votes the servers

    Yes? Answer #1: YesAnswer #2: No
  13. Starblaster64

    Any musicians here??

    I think you've just established that you're the most musically talented person here. Personally I only have a small bit of experience with the piano, though I've been meaning to learn how to play the accordion for some time now.
  14. Starblaster64

    Wanna know something I find annoying?

    Don't mind me, just getting my post count up. But on a serious note, I agree that +/-'s from non-staff members shouldn't be weighted as heavily, but if they have something relevant to contribute like the applicant's behaviour on the servers then it should certainly be taken into consideration/investigated. Also, I think these excerpts from the forum rules may be of use:
  15. Starblaster64

    Thing you would like to see fixed

    I'm quite certain that when I checked earlier the VSH server doesn't have it. Not sure about the others. I'll check it again later and edit this post. Also I'm quite sure that 'ff' does work like that, I assigned it an admin override on another server and it seemed to work fine, but I'll test that myself as well. EDIT: Double checked all 3 servers, SMAC isn't on any of them. EDIT2: I was mistaken about the 'ff' thing, I limited it with a cooldown plugin, not with admin overrides.
  16. Starblaster64

    Thing you would like to see fixed

    I'll go over this again later tonight (hopefully). ------ //General (Low Priority) Fix the Store assigning you a random title every time you join the server.Add an Admin override to the command "ff" to stop players from flooding the chat with Friendly Fire messages.An Anti Ping-Mask plugin. There's no point having a ping kicker if people can just evade it with minimal effort.Remove (or fix) the Advanced Infinite Ammo plugin. There's an issue where Admins join the servers with AIA enabled on them and they don't have the permissions to disable it on themselves (Not an issue on Dodgeball, I don't think).Compile and install the latest version of SourceMod Anti-Cheat (Click zip at the top to download). You'll want to compile at least the following modules (Though I'd look at what each one does on the wiki as well):smacsmac_aimbotsmac_autotriggersmac_clientsmac_commandssmac_eyetestsmac_speedhack//Saxton Hale Put a round timer on the regular VSH server, rounds on bigger maps can take so long at times that people start leaving the server.(Low Priority) Improve how GameME points are earned (if possible).(Low Priority) Compile the latest stable version of VSH on GitHub with the 'OVERRIDE_MEDIGUNS_ON' define enabled to:Allow players to level up/show off Strange Mediguns.Fix CBS, Vagineer and Easter Bunny not playing important sound files (Like rage and superjump).
  17. Starblaster64

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    The problem I see here is that if there's multiple people around the person you want to move, it will become rather difficult to grab them. The plugin does not have player targeting if I remember correctly, which is why I suggested slaps instead. However, I'm not saying the plugin would be a bad addition, just that there are other ways to deal with the same situation. Regarding your scenario with the door blocking the name of who's blocking the door, I don't see how that would work. The only time where the Aim Names plugin not showing a name would be a major issue, is if you as an Admin were the one playing Hale. Otherwise you should simply be able to see the name of whoever is in the door with the in-game HUD, or if you're dead, by switching spectate targets.
  18. Starblaster64

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    I would suggest using Dr. Mckay's version instead, as the one you linked is from 2007. Anti-Caps Lock. And while we're on the topic of keeping the chat tidy, one of Mckay's other plugins may be useful: Enhanced Item Notifications. Concerning your suggestion to add Admin Grab, I'm not understanding how you would find it quite that useful. Moving players can already be achieved by a simple request, followed by the use of 0 damage slaps if that fails. And while I haven't witnessed Aim-Names not functioning correctly, I don't see how this plugin would solve that any easier than switching to spectator or asking someone else would be. Also, on the topic of moderation, I would suggest Chdata's Fakebomb plugin, it's basically a timebomb that doesn't explode the target, useful for warnings that you can't mess up. Fakebomb. Regarding your list of plugins that need to be removed from the VSH server, I feel like you've missed quite a few candidates, but perhaps I'm mistaken. I'll take another look myself and post a list here if I find any more.
  19. Starblaster64

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    You are correct. The idea is you gain points for constructing a building, get extra points by getting kills/teles etc. to cancel the cancelling when those buildings are destroyed. So in VSH sentry guns will (generally) gain/lose you no points, dispensers will gain you some points (extinguishing Pyros who Flare themselves, somewhat abusable), and teleporters will gain you the most points at 1 per successful teleport (unless I'm mistaken). Note that when I say 'points' I am referring to GameME points, not in-game points. I think this is where the ranking system needs to be tweaked the most for VSH. You could get top damage every round as Demoman, defending your team's Engineers and their buildings with sticky traps etc. and only lose points by doing so, because GameME isn't designed for VSH (or other custom gamemodes for that matter), it's designed for regular gamemodes. Right now, the stats are heavily in Hale's favour. You get triple points for every kill you make, you get an extra point for killing a Medic, two extra points for killing a Spy, and an increasing amount of points as your killstreak gets higher. Not to mention destroying buildings and a guaranteed 10 points from MVP #1 whether you win or lose, as you're the only person on your team. The only time you can contest this amount of point gain is as a Medic, with 5 points per ubercharge and 1 point for every 600HP healed (not 100% sure about this). Now I'm not too familiar with customizing GameME, but as far as I know detecting how much damage you've done per round may require too much work. However, tweaking currently existing tracked actions shouldn't be terribly difficult. For instance, things like Non-Rocket Airshots, Mid-Air Airshots, Stuns and Eating lunchbox items to restore HP give no points right now. Although giving them a point value won't fix the problem completely, it would help a little bit at least for the classes they affect. In terms of helping out the Engineer directly, I can't think of any ideas unfortunately.
  20. Starblaster64

    Reducing spam!

    It's true that using a forward slash instead of an exclamation mark would reduce some of the clutter in the chat. However, it's good to have some people using commands that are visible to other people from time to time to make everyone aware of their existence. Otherwise, good tip.
  21. Starblaster64

    My hale vid

    Yes, I do remember. I also remember I didn't much like your attitude towards other players, but I hope that's changed since last I saw you.
  22. Starblaster64

    My hale vid

    I've wanted to make one for the longest time, but I can never be arsed enough to do it. The goomba(s) at 1:23 were pretty nice, haven't seen too many people utilizing the Wrangler in creative ways like that. It's a pretty good video all-in-all, though the transitions are a bit lackluster to be honest.
  23. Starblaster64

    What changes would you like to see

    Regarding the servers, I can suggest a couple of plugins that may have a positive impact. VSH in particular, since I can't think of many for Dodgeball right now. I've hyperlinked each plugin for convenience. VSH Damage Tracker - Practically every VSH server runs this plugin, unless you have a very specific reason for not using it.Aim Names - Not a neccesary plugin, but it's nice to have on custom gamemodes like VSH and Dodgeball. Allows players to see the names of their enemies when they mouse over them.AFK Hale Slayer - Suggested by both Bytes and Potato it is an invaluable plugin to have on VSH servers, saves so much time for everyone.Other than those, I can't think of any more that you don't already have. Speaking of which, I would highly reccomend sifting through all your plugins and removing all the ones that aren't used often or at all. I would wager at least 1/4 of the plugins on the regular VSH server alone aren't utilized often enough to keep on the server. Seriously, there's at least 90 plugins running on there. Now I don't know what kind of server infrastructure you're running on, but I would try to keep addons to a minimum regardless. I would also check how often people use the pricecheck plugin, because Backpack.tf database updates in the middle of a round aren't fun for anyone (though if your server hardware is good enough I suppose it doesn't really matter).
  24. Starblaster64

    Saxton hale x10 bugs

    No problem, I would have included a modified source file, but I figured you probably wouldn't trust someone you didn't know with the integrity of your servers.
  25. While technically not a grammar mistake, 'Tisk tisk' is incorrect, the word is spelt without an 'i' (tsk). Futhermore, the second sentence correction seems odd, it would be better structured as: 'If you could maybe add a little more info, I may consider you for admin.'