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Adam last won the day on August 8 2015

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  1. Thanks and yeah, I used to mic spam a lot but I'm mostly past them days. I appreciate the feedback.
  2. Game / Job: Dodge-ball moderator My Age: 14 turning 15 (hope this isn't a problem) In-game name and STEAMID: cellar door, STEAM_0:0:47379537 What time do you normally play?: I play throughout the week, being on any time between 3 pm - 10 pm on weekdays and from 9 am - 10 pm on weekends Why should you be a moderator?: I believe I should be a moderator because I'm very wary of people breaking rules and ruining other peoples game experience. This has probably been said before but often when I'm on there are no staff on to monitor mic spammers, stealers or just plain rule breakers. I have played this dodge-ball server basically since the start (had to play dodge-ball somewhere) and I've had plenty of experience being an admin on many other different servers and know fully how to operate as one. I've also got mistaken as an admin before when a rogue admin was on slaying people (for stealing), and many people on the server assumed it was me because 'I sounded like an admin' I'm a dodge-ball veteran (played back in the Aus DB, OzG days) and I'm pretty well known around the server. Overall I think I'd be a good asset for the server by enforcing the rules and creating a better gaming atmosphere for all players. Do you have a mic, if so how much do you use it?: I have a mic and I use it frequently Do you know the commands for moderator?: I know all the essential commands for moderator (slay, kick, ban, mute, gag and all of the @ shortcuts) and will use them to ensure everyone is happy. Have you been an admin on another server before?: I have been admin/coowner on several different servers including the old Bunny Hale (co owned, built the server ground up with Acylus helping out later on)Axi Fortress (helped around with server management and had full access to everything)GhostTA (admin)Other small servers that I can't remember but due to the owners having lack of interest, they shut down.Have you read and fully understood the admin rules?: I have read over the admin rules and fully understand them. If you stop playing on Phantom-Gamers will you let us know so we can remove your rank and allow some one else your take your spot?: Yeah of course. Additional info: I have played so much TF2 I'm not even proud
  3. Adam

    Closed Sethyy Report

    Haha I don't think hes trying to cover himself up, he's just a immature little kid who thinks its hilarious to mention bumholes and penises on mic.
  4. Adam

    Closed Sethyy Report

    Hey thanks for replying. I went and added an admin beforehand to ask where to report and he said make a topic under the abuse section. I just didn't know if anyone checked that form thing.
  5. - | steamname: Sethyy| steam3ID: [u:1:174669285]| steamID32: STEAM_0:1:87334642| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198134935013| customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CODGetClan| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198134935013-Reporting Sethyy for - micspamming (singing) - insulting other players - being homophobic - generally being annoying The video is roughly 5 and a half minutes and shows Sethyy doing the stuff above. None of it was provoked by me, I only spoke at the end.