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Kit Kat

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Kit Kat last won the day on February 6 2016

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About Kit Kat

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  • Battlefield 4 Soldier Name
    Kit Kat

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  1. +1 ^^ he is on alot and is a nice and upfront guy. Deserves admin ;]
  2. 1. Why do I want to become Admin instead of Moderator? Because there are times I need to respawn someone but can't (slaying the wrong guy). I know that I can simply not slay the wrong person but mistakes do happen. 2. What have I done to be recognized by the community? I don't abuse my Moderator privilege but also stick by the server rules. That includes following the steps on dealing with "rule breakers". 3. Age: 20. 4. Am I prepared to be yelled at? Well, ofc. I don't really bother with people who swear or yell. Unless it affects fellow gamers, in that scenario I can simply gag/mute them. 5. What have I learned from being a moderator? It is good to be nice and understanding, but there will always be someone who constantly break the rules, that person will be dealt with more seriously and harshly. I also make sure I have a reason for my actions and don't do something simple because I wanted to.
  3. Mot would make a good mod/admin. He follows the rules really well and he uses his mic alot. +1 from me
  4. STEAM_0:0:86623925: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198133513578
  5. Alright, thnx for letting me know c:
  6. Kit Kat

    Accepted Matty's Admin/mod App

    Matty would be a great Admin.... lol
  7. Bob would be a nice mod despite his age. Not having a mic is a bit to much I reckon.
  8. Game/Job: dodgeball - admin My Age: 20 Ingame name: Kit Kat What time do I normally play?: I'm very active playing between 4pm-8pm mostly but I'm on at other random times too. Why should I be Admin?: I am someone who people tend to listen to. There being alot of people breaking rules that I abide by doesn't seem right to me, and it tends to tick me off. I am more mature than alot of tf2 players as I am decently older than most players. Do I have a mic?: Yes. I use it alot when playing tf2 and it seems that people can understand so I'm guessing that it's atleast decent. I am confident using the mic as public speaking is not something I fear. Do I know any commands for Admin?: Yes. I know all the basic commands that an admin/mod would need to know. I am learning the rules and guidelines and trying to get to a point were I remember them all off by heart. Have I been an Admin on another server?: I haven't but I would like to get the role of being an admin. Admins/mods would have started somewhere and I would like this to be my starting place, to gain experience of being an Admin/mod from this server. Have I read and fully understand the Admin rules?: Yes, I don't know them off by heart but am currently working on that. If I stop playing on Phantom-Games will I let you know?: Yes, I wouldn't want someone else missing out on a chance of being Admin/mod. Additional info: It would be awesome if I got admin so that I could do something about older players breaking rules and newer players doing. Saying that, I mean that newer players will be treated more understandingly and older players (players that have been on frequently) will be treated more strictly.