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Either server. Either Admin or Mod



2.Your Age?


- I am 16 years old, 17 in November.



3.Ingame name and steam ID

http://steamcommunity.com/id/areallylubedupsock/     I go between different versions of the name "Str8 Up"



4.What time do you normally play?


- I'm usually on anywhere between 7-11 am (on week ends) and 5-6 pm to 7-11 pm (Most days)



5.Why should you be an Admin?


- I think I should be an Admin because I have been in the community for over a year now and have grown very fond of our little phantom community. I am a very well known and respected member of the community, and I know the difference between right and wrong. The reason I decided to apply was because one of my friends (Spud4brains<3) told me It was a good idea. He thought I would be a great admin/mod, because I am a trustworthy person, and a nice person. I don't like hurting others feelings and I always try to make it better for others, because I know how it feels and I hate when others feel that way. I also see to many times when I'm on people upsetting other players with no one there to stop them. this is why I think I should be Admin/Mod.



6.Do you have a mic? if so how often do you use it:


- Yes I do indeed have a mic. I use it when I'm either trying to explain something to someone or trying to get my point across where typing would otherwise fail. I am also quite fast at typing, and can get my point across very fast without the use of a mic.



7.Do you know the commands for admin?


- I know all the ones I need to know in order to enforce the rules (I can pick the other ones up pretty quickly, I am quite familiar with most sm_ commands.



8.Have you been Admin on another server before?


- No, this is my first time applying, other than staff on NtotB's jump server. But hey there's a first time for everything.



9.Have you read, and fully understand the Admin rules?


- Yes I have read them full through and will keep myself up to date with the rules as long as I am am Admin/Mod.



10.If you stop playing on Phantom-Gamers, will you inform us so we can remove your rank for some else to take the position?


- Yes, I'm not selfish. Even in my absence I wouldn't want the community to have no enforcers.



11.Additional info:


-I haven't had 5 posts on these forums, but I'm sure that won't take long to change if I'm devoting part of my time into protecting and bettering the community. If I don't get the position I understand, I'm not close minded and am fully aware that lots of people are trying to get this position.

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it is clear, that you have put alot of effort into this application, and i can say, it is very well structured.

although, i haven't seen you on that servers. so atm i won't be giving a +1 or -1

but i'm leaning towards the +! since you have demonstrated a great application, and have had some good reports about you from the community.

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+1 for me, I have seen him in game (ages ago before I left for a Vacation) and he is a great helper to the server! I am ElfMan, if you can't remember me it's alright since it's been a while! Well I am off now good luck and hope you get accepted!


-ElfMan (BlackSnow*)

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+1, because i have seen you on the server many times, and not once have you done something wrong. You are always greeting the other dodgeball players, and they always say hello back. You are a very nice and responsible guy. I think you would do great as admin.





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