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Accepted [FINAL] Ladaja's Mod/Admin Applicationhttp://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132501916/http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132501916/http:/

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Alright, I know ive made an application before, however with killers statement to the community about the rule changes and new available administration positions he has advised me to re-apply. 


Job Application: Administrator - VSH #1


Age: 15


Ingame Name: Ladaja - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132501916/


Steam ID: 0:0:86118094


What time do you normally play? Anywhere from 8am-11pm


How long have you been on the server for? 2 years


Why should you be an admin? Because VSH #1 really needs one, I have been on the server for a long time and am aware of the server rules and guidelines that must be followed. I have a comprehensive knowledge in relation to the commands that administrators may be required to use when having to resolve conflicts and create resolutions. And because im a sick cunt. 


Do you have a mic and is it good quality? Yes I do and it is good quality. I use it quite a lot as I usually have in game conversations with other players and sometimes I use it to remind rule breakers or in general just really fucking annoying 8 year olds of the rules. [usually in regard to mic spam :P]


Do you know administrator commands? Yes


Have you read and understood the rules for admin & player rules? Yes


If you stop playing on phantom gamers will you notify us so we can revoke your position and give it to a more suitable and regular player (candidate): Yes


Additional Information: I have made a new application as killer informed me it would be a wise decision in relation the statement he made today about the new rules and expectations on the forums/ steam community [i know its the 3rd one, but thats what he told me I should do] 

I have already explained the reasons why I should be given this position and have already been backed by many regulars on the server (+1 and upvotes). 


I really want this server to peace again, free from mic spam and map exploitation.


Kind Regards for the 3rd fucking time! :D


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