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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2016 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    New Hale Maps?

    Would it be all right to add new hale maps to the rotation? whilst removing some of the other maps that aren't played as much? The hale maps that are played are great, but it gets very repetitive when there is the same cycle of maps : Reservoir, Military, Dust, Track, etc. So added new maps would change the cycle and get a fresh cycle. Here are some of my suggestions: vsh_stream_platform - http://gamebanana.com/maps/162081 vsh_arktown - http://gamebanana.com/maps/191785 vsh_yammoe - http://gamebanana.com/maps/191547 vsh_citypeak_v1 - http://gamebanana.com/maps/170977 vsh_crevice_ B5 - couldn't find link dm_warzone - http://gamebanana.com/maps/73929 (if hale can run on death match) Or others Would be great change to phantom
  2. 2 points
    Dig Dog

    New Hale Maps?

    Would be good to have Crevice, and Warzone added to the map rotation. The maps on the server do get really repetitive.
  3. 2 points

    New Hale Maps?

    i'd mostly suggest crevice_ B5
  4. 1 point

    Frosty's Mod/Admin Application

    Game / Job: Moderator or Admin (Not Fussy) for Saxton Hale Your age?: 16 Ingame name and steam id: Frosty - Steam link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091878120/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65806196 What time do you normally play?: Monday: 4-6pm Tuesday: 5-7pm Wensday: 5-6pm Thursday: 5-7pm Friday: 5-6pm & 7-3 am Saturday: 10-12 am & 5-3 am Sunday: 10-12 am & 4-9 pm Why should you be an admin?: because i am online till early into the mornings on weekends when most admins/mods go to bed (i have no life) also i am very active on the hale server. Also i would like to monitor and make sure no one abuses or breaks any of the rules of the server Do you have a mic, if so how much do you use it? If you are applying, you need to use it frequently and be confident on the mic: I used my mic most of the time when i'm on hale talking to other players. i am like by most people and a very friendly person to everyone Do you know the commands for admin?: no, but i can learn from others fast Have You been an admin on another server before?: No Have you read and fully understood the admin and player rules?: Yes, i have read and reread the rules of hale If you stop playing on Phantom-Gamers will you let us know so we can remove your rank and allow some one else your take your spot?: Yes, i will inform you or another admin on the server that i will not be playing Additional info: hey guys it scare here
  5. 1 point
    Game / Job: Moderator/Admin Your age?: 16 Years Old Ingame name and steam id: | steamname: ❤flamekong❤ | steam3ID: [U:1:124151542] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:62075771 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084417270 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/flamekong | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198084417270 http://steamcommunity.com/id/flamekong/ (I'm not a scamming alt, that was an issue that I got sorted out where I got banned because it was thought that my brother was my Scamming Main) Long story... What time do you normally play?: Monday: 6:00AM - 8:00AM | 4:00PM - 8:00PM Tuesday:6:00AM - 8:00AM Wednesday:6:00AM - 8:00AM | 4:00PM - 8:00PM Thursday:6:00AM - 8:00AM Friday: 6:00AM - 8:00AM | 4:00PM - 2:00AM Saturday: 6:00AM - 2:00AM (Depends) Sunday: 6:00AM - 10:00PM (Depends) The amount and time that I play depends on what is going on in my life. If it's towards the end of the term I (Like most people) have exams and stuff that I need to revise for. I generally don't have any school work besides from that. If it's the holidays then every day will be like a Saturday. However, I have a life. So I won't always be on at these times. 6:00AM - 2:00AM Why should you be an admin?: I feel that I should be a moderator for several reasons. Firstly, I feel that I am a nice person that makes the server a better place for everyone else. I know the majority of the players that play/frequent the server and they know the type of person that I am. I have had past experiences with being a staff member and owning a server altogether, which I will elaborate on later. This gave me an understanding on what it takes to be a staff member. I also help anyone who needs it. Do you have a mic, if so how much do you use it? If you are applying, you need to use it frequently and be confident on the mic: Yes I do, I have a headset (TurtleBeach PX24) however I don't use it much on the hale server simply because I don't feel like I need to. I am a very fast and accurate typer. However, if I do get accepted as a Moderator I will start using it more, I'm a confident person and I don't get embarrassed or nervous when I use my microphone. Do you know the commands for admin?: Yes I do. I have multiple notepad files for multiple servers across many games that I use to keep things like commands and other things that I need. This includes all of the Admin/Mod commands. I'm always adding more to them, so if new plugins get added I'll be sure to add the new commands. Have You been an admin on another server before?: Yes, I have been a staff member on a few servers in the past including owning one, not just on TF2, but other games as well. I primarily want to focus on a Minecraft server that I used to own with a friend called "AuSoup". It was a Minecraft PVP server that got a fair amount of users on it for what it was. And had eight volunteer staff members. At that time and even now, there were only one or two servers like ours that were hosted in Australia. However, They were all really cheap and laggy. We saw the opportunity to make one ourselves and we did. The server was up for a couple of months, however was eventually shut down due to a latch of funds. However, owning the server gave me a lot of experience in not just being a staff member, but maintaining a server as a whole. Have you read and fully understood the admin and player rules?: Yes, I have read all of the newly updated admin and player rules and have understood the consequences that are in place if they are broken. If you stop playing on Phantom-Gamers will you let us know so we can remove your rank and allow some one else your take your spot?: Yeah, sure I guess. Additional info: Bladey spilt coke on my living-room carpet.
  6. 1 point
    Mr Specz

    New Hale Maps?

    All of them would be good
  7. 1 point

    Server Plugin Updates etc.

    Considering you could travel at approximately Scout speeds (and thus outrun Hale for the better part of a match), while still being able to tank a hit (with enough heads), yes it was OP. It's less OP now that Valve changed the speed boost to only work with shields equipped though.
  8. 1 point

    Frosty's Mod/Admin Application

    scarce* but anyway +1